1. What was effective about the presentation?
i like how they collected some pieces of plastic in the pacific ocean to make a picture to show how much trash there is in the ocean.
3. What did you want to know more about?
it makes me feel sad knowing how much plastic gets thrown into the ocean
Wildfire in Greece - http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2009/08/22/world/20090822-GREECE_index.html?ref=multimedia
1. What was effective about the presentation
i think that the slideshow tells about how global warming heats up the world so much and starts forest fires and other disasters.
2. What multimedia was used?
images and text to explain the images
3. What did you want to know more about?
i want to know more about how people deal with forest fires and other disasters
4. What emotions did the images evoke.
i feel sad knowing that many people die every day and i feel sorry for the people who have lot their house and family members
5. How could you use multimedia slides shows in any class?
to present information